This is a christian blog intended to share my insights and thoughts as I continue to journey with the Lord, on this path of faith.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Peter's defense (c.f. Acts 11:1-18)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
opportunistic seekers

Monday, April 23, 2012
Cry out!!
study the word.
Opportunistic seekers
Saturday, April 21, 2012
no fears.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Crucifixion- uncensored
Crucifixion was an important method of capital punishment, particularly among the Persians, Seleucids, Jews, Carthaginians, and Romans from about the 6th century BC to the 4th century AD. Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, abolished it in the Roman Empire in AD 337, out of veneration for Jesus Christ, the most famous victim of crucifixion. There were various methods of performing the execution. Usually, the condemned man, after being whipped, or "scourged," dragged the crossbeam of his cross to the place of punishment, where the upright shaft was already fixed in the ground. Stripped of his clothing either then or earlier at his scourging, he was bound fast with outstretched arms to the crossbeam or nailed firmly to it through the wrists. The crossbeam was then raised high against the upright shaft and made fast to it about 9 to 12 feet (approximately 3 meters) from the ground. Next, the feet were tightly bound or nailed to the upright shaft. A ledge inserted about halfway up the upright shaft gave some support to the body; evidence for a similar ledge for the feet is rare and late. Over the criminal's head was placed a notice stating his name and his crime. Death, apparently caused by exhaustion or by heart failure, could be hastened by shattering the legs with an iron club, so that shock and suffocation soon ended his life. Crucifixion was most frequently used to punish political or religious agitators, pirates, slaves, or those who had no civil rights. In 519 BC Darius I, king of Persia, crucified 3,000 political opponents in Babylon; in 88 BC Alexander Jannaeus, the Judaean king and high priest, crucified 800 Pharisaic opponents; and in about AD 32 Pontius Pilate had Jesus of Nazareth put to death by crucifixion.
This horrid style of capital punishment was meted out to our Lord, just for you and I. The essence of this article is not to glorify this act, but to bring out the extent of God's love for us. May we reflect on this boundless love especially during this period of Easter.