Sunday, September 16, 2012

He has made a way

I try to imagine the fear and confusion the disciples experienced as Jesus was taken and crucified. It would have been unbearable. And Mary, His mother, after receiving a visit from an angel and having discussions about Jesus, the awaited messiah being born through her, she stood at the foot of the cross watching the promise bleeding, suffering, dying- All was lost! But no! In three days, God glorified His name and glorified Mary together with all those who remained in Him. This even extended to all those who betrayed and forsook Him. 

God will not allow you to be disgraced. He will not let your face be abashed, so far we rely and trust in Him. He has made a way.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What do you say?

The Lord asked Peter for permission to use his boat as a platform from where He can teach the people. The emphasis here, is that He "asked". The relationship between Jesus and Peter started with one polite request. It brings to mind the verse in Revelation, where Jesus is standing at the door of our hearts and asking us to let Him in. The Lord, the perfect gentleman, does not impose His will on us but gently and calmly asks us to allow Him in. Today He is asking you to allow Him into your life to be your Lord and personal savior. If He is already there, He is asking you to allow Him to completely take over.

What is the Lord asking you to do? To trust, remain... in Him? Its interesting to note that after Peter had allowed Jesus to have His way, he received his miracle of a huge haul of fish! The Lord is asking, gently and tenderly. What do you say?