Where did this man get all this? (Matthew 13:56)
How could Jesus’ townsfolk not see who he really was? He
had already performed so many miracles and spoken so insightfully about
the Law of Moses. But to them he was still the carpenter’s son from down
the street. So because they came to him with such low expectations,
they were kept from experiencing the healings, deliverances, and other
works of wonder that so many others had received. By their lack of
faith, they placed limits on what they would allow God to do for them.
you limit Jesus? Has he become your Savior only on Sundays or in times
of crisis and difficulty? Of course he wants to touch you during Mass.
And yes, he loves to be with you in the hard times. But he wants to be
so much more as well. He wants to talk with you and walk with you as he
did with Adam and Eve in the garden. He wants to give you counsel in
your decisions, cheer you on in your successes, and teach you from your
mistakes. He wants to give you good gifts and teach you how to serve
your loved ones more humbly. Jesus wants to be your constant companion!
can be hard to believe, but God really does delight in revealing
himself in the everyday events of our lives. What’s more, he actually
enjoys being with us, even when we’re sitting through a meeting at work,
watching television at home, or doing the laundry. The more we learn
how to sense his presence, the more we will receive his blessings, his
revelations, and his love.
Brothers and sisters, Jesus is
completely committed to you! Even when your mind is taken up with the
demands of the day, he is still close to you. You may not be able to
feel his presence all the time, but he is there, speaking words of love,
shielding you from the devil, and forming you in hidden, unseen, ways.
In the face of such love, how can you do anything but place your faith
and trust in him?
from wau.org