Sunday, February 12, 2012


In 1 Kings 12, the Lord took a huge chunk of the kingdom of Israel from the house of David and gave it to Jeroboam, a servant of King Solomon. However, later on, Jeroboam decided to rebel against the Lord. He became so engrossed in his new portfolio, that he lost sight of the Lord, his source. The book of Mark, chapter 8, describes how Jesus had compassion on the large crowd of four thousand men and provided food for them , even in excess. He was their providence.

The Lord gives us what we need, for He is our providence. In the Lord's Prayer, we pray that He would " ...give us this day our daily bread..." However, we sometimes become so engrossed in this "bread" that we forget about the giver; our Lord. He gives us a job, and we stop going to church because we are too busy. He gives us a wife/husband and he/she becomes our reason for not continuing with the work of ministry. He gives us intelligence and we make it our god. The list can be endless. How have we in many times behaved like Jeroboam. Today, the Lord is reminding us to forget the gift and look at the giver.

"...all that we have accomplished, you have done for us"(Is 26:12 (NIV))

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