Refiners fire (malachi 3), piercing sword, falling and rising of Israel, a sign spoken against (Luke 2). These are some of the phrases used in reference to our Lord! Why should our all loving, kind Jesus,be called such names? Doubts about our Lord's nature arise when stories from the old testament about God's punishments to Israel and other nations; Isn't this the God of love?
Certainly He is!! However, He is also the God of judgement. Jesus is referred to as the LION of the tribe of Judah and at the same time, the LAMB of God. As Christians we must come to terms with this fact. We must not be biased towards one side (usually the "lamb" perspective). Our Lord is also a judge, exacting His justice.
Certainly He is!! However, He is also the God of judgement. Jesus is referred to as the LION of the tribe of Judah and at the same time, the LAMB of God. As Christians we must come to terms with this fact. We must not be biased towards one side (usually the "lamb" perspective). Our Lord is also a judge, exacting His justice.
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