How many times have we declared our total trust in the saving arm of the Lord and in His promises. Yet at crucial times, we cower and become perplexed, doubting God's promises for our lives. Luke 1: 26-38, tells us of the annunciation of the birth of Jesus. At such a time, and in such circumstances, Mary decided to accept wholly, God's plan and purpose for her life, accepting the assurance of His words through His messenger.
Meditating on this message of trust, I penned down these verses:
His promises are sure and stable
yet we doubt if He is able.
He assures us of His hand, mighty to save,
but we wander whether we can be that brave,
to accept all that He says.
"My promises are yea and amen" He iterates
But our thoughts are whirling
confused in all our ways.
He calls us to trust, to let go
but we think thats too easy, God is too slow.
He is the one who formed us and knows what we'll need.
Let us give Him our hearts, our minds, our total being.
Let us trust.
This trust is more than we think;
It is hanging unto Him, even when we are at death's brink.
Like the three in the fiery furnace,
unwilling to turn away from their master,
despite this menace.
It is battling the doubt in our minds,
though it keeps returning, after a flooring in round nine.
It is keeping the words we have read,
refusing to let our feelings take hold, instead.
It is constantly returning to Him in prayer,
reminding ourselves that He is the saviour.
It is moving ahead with His plan,
even when fear shouts back at us: 'RUN!!'
It is embedding ourselves in His hands,
totally consumed by His Love.
It is smiling, when the waves rise with all its might
understanding, that in Him everything is alright.
He is the one who formed us and knows what we'll need.
Let us give Him our hearts, our minds, our total being.
Lets us trust.
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