An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia,
"manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of a sudden and a
striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe scientific
breakthroughs, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it could
also apply to any situation in which an enlightening realization allows
a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper
Today the universal church celebrates the solemnity
of the epiphany of the Lord. We reflect on the manifestation of God made
man lying in a manger. Today we reflect on the manifestation of the
King of the universe, who even though is the creator of silver and gold
and all the riches one could possibly think of, is revealed to the
world not wearing royal robes but ordinary swaddling clothes. We see the
King of Kings choosing to be revealed in Bethlehem among sheep rather
than in Jerusalem the city of David. The circumstances surrounding the
revelation of God to the world is such that one needs to look at things
beyond the physical to come to a full appreciation of the presence of
God among us.
Five Kings are mentioned in the gospel
reading given for our reflection today. First of all there is Jesus the
King of Kings whose unique star had been spotted by the Magi (3 Kings)
from the East and also there is Herod who was King of Israel at the
time. While the Magi rejoiced upon spotting the star of the King of the
Jews, Herod was troubled upon hearing that the King of Kings had been
born. The 3 Kings from the East recognized that just as the moon needed
light from the sun to be able to shine, they could not shine on their
own unless in the light of a greater King.
They realized that it
is only upon submitting totally to the sovereignty of the King whose
star they had seen will there be a true meaning to their own lives as
Kings. Before Jesus the King of the Jews, they laid down their crowns as
earthly Kings so the King of Kings could rule in their lives eternally.
Isaiah prophesied to the entire nation of Israel in these words "arise
and shine for your light has come", it is important to take notice of
the fact that it is impossible for one to shine if one does not allow
the light of Christ to permeate every sphere of one's life. The light
indeed had come but while the magi sought to yield to the light so they
could shine in his light, Herod sought to quench the light.
Christ Jesus the light of all lights and the King of all Kings is among
us, it is important to arise from any throne we may have made for
ourselves, lay down our crowns like the magi and pay him homage in
The magi had fame, wealth and power; all of which they
laid down, considering them as nothing compared to Jesus the King. The
hidden meaning in all this is that it is in our total submission to the
Lord that we shine.
The magi traveled from afar with
the hope of seeing the King they had heard so much about, they followed
the star which first appeared in the East. I have no doubt they were
expecting the star to stop in one of the great cities. The first
surprise was when the star stopped in Bethlehem a small town which is
not noted for being the birthplace of Kings; the second was when
they realized that, the house the star was pointing to was not a palace,
then came the biggest surprise when they realized that the baby on
account of whom they had journeyed for so long was not lying in an
expensive baby's cot but lying in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes.
What I consider deeply revealing is that the Magi were not deceived by
the appearance of the baby but recognized in him one worthy of all
worship and adoration.
As the Magi bowed in adoration I am certain
Joseph and Mary understood the gesture and cherished the moment in
their hearts but I have no doubt that some onlookers seeing the Kings
bow to the baby could not believe their eyes and concluded that the
Kings probably had gone crazy.
As you take a decision
on the feast of epiphany to submit your life totally to the King who is
revealed to us today; I will not be surprised if friends and close
relatives discourage you and make you feel as though you have lost your
mind by choosing Jesus as your Lord and savior, your messiah and your
King. The truth is that it is only in his light that we can shine. Take a
step of faith, arise from any earthly throne and submit in adoration to
the King. Isaiah's prophecy about Jesus took hundreds of years before
it came to pass, and when Herod rose against Jesus thinking he was just a
little child and wanted to kill him before he grew to become a threat
to his reign God stood in defense of his son. There is a prophecy about
your life and as long as you walk in the light of Christ you will live
to fulfill that word about your life no matter what your enemies plan
against you.
Just as the magi were not deceived by the
appearance and surroundings of the baby, it is important that we do not
give up on the face of our current circumstances. The world may see a
failure in you but God sees a champion in you. The world may have given
up on you, but I stand to exhort you that what you are to become is
without limit. Make a firm resolution to walk in God's divine plan no
matter what the world thinks.
In Is 60:6a the prophet
declares " Herds of camel will cover your land, young camels of Midian
and Ephah". Camel as I know them to be, carry goods, and the picture of
camels covering ones land indicate that upon arising to shine in the
light of Christ, one stands to receive so much such that there will not
even be a place to stand because the entire land will be full of goods.
is my deepest prayer that God will grant us an epiphany of who
we truly are, that we may recognize that we are only "stars" when every
activity of ours is done in the light of Christ.
May God grant us the grace to truly submit to the sovereignty of Christ
May He rule in our lives so that we may fulfill our true purpose on earth
May our homes be places where the person of Jesus will be revealed to our children and the rest of the world
God bless us all.
By: Jerry Kponyo.
By: Jerry Kponyo.
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