People there were observing him carefully. (Luke 14:1)
If you’re a parent of a small child, you know that one of
the biggest things about them is their eyes. They’re always watching
you. They seem to take everything in—often a lot more than you realize.
They learn from what you do just as much from what you say, if not more
so. Every minute you spend with them is an educational opportunity, with
you being the teacher!
Jesus had a teaching opportunity in
today’s reading. He was in the house of a Pharisee, where he was being
heavily scrutinized. He didn’t worry about his host’s expectations,
however. He just did what he knew he should do: he healed a sick man.
But then, realizing he had a “captive audience,” he decided to use that
healing to bring home a lesson. The Sabbath, he said, was made for
healing and salvation, not just for observing rules and traditions.
believers, we all have opportunities to witness to our faith. Like
Jesus, we are on display. Of course, that is true anytime we interact
with other people. But it’s especially true if they know we are
Christians. Whether we realize it or not, they will pick up some kind of
message from us. And whether they realize it or not, they will
associate Christianity—and maybe even God—with what they see in us. So
we really are “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20)!
can feel like a lot of responsibility, this call to be Christ to the
world. But all we can really be is ourselves, just as Jesus was in the
Pharisee’s home. And that’s a good thing! For no one else has your sense
of humor. No one else has your way of relating to people. So if you
stay close to Jesus and just try to be the best version of yourself,
you’ll make an impact. God will use you to reach people in ways that no
one else can. You just need to lean back into the Lord’s arms, and
you’ll find yourself doing a lot more than you think. For Christ is in
you, and he wants to touch everyone with his love.
“Lord, may what I do and say reflect the faith I profess. Strengthen me to be the salt and light that people are looking for.”
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