Friday, October 2, 2015

"Childlike" maturity

Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:4)

Have you ever seen a child jump fearlessly into a pool toward the outstretched arms of her father or mother? Blissfully trusting in her parent’s protection, she knows no fear! What a wonderful image this can be for us as children of God—joyful, faithfully delighting in the protection of One so much stronger than us. 

When Jesus called us to become like little children, he was inviting us to regain our childhood innocence. When we are young, we are all ready to believe in a good God who watches over us and sends angels to guide our way. But as we grow older, these comforting images can lose their power. Life can wear us down and make us cynical. We may begin to doubt God’s desire to remain close to us. We may begin to question the reality of his angelic guardians. Faced with the inevitable pressures of life, we may begin to believe—or resign ourselves to the belief—that we are alone in the universe, reluctant masters of our fate with no one to guide us.

Jesus wants to free us from any sense of isolation or self-sufficiency that is holding us back. He wants to awaken in us that original joy and innocence we experienced when we first knew of his personal abiding love. True maturity as a Christian is not a matter of increased independence from God but a deeper dependence on him! After all, it is he who constantly provides for our health, our relationships, our finances, our very life and breath!

Today, ask the Holy Spirit to do a special work in you. Ask him to help you view all the events of your day with the eyes of a child who knows the Father’s intimate love. If this is difficult, ask him for healing so that you can open your heart to him. Your heavenly Father wants you to come to him with every concern, no matter how small, and trust that his angels are watching over you. Let him reassure you with his love and support.


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