Saturday, October 24, 2015

Keeping Pace

He came in search of fruit.(Luke 13:6)

The flashing lights in your rearview mirror catch your eye. Then your heart sinks. A police car is behind you, signaling for you to pull over to the side of the road. As you put down your window, you are face-to-face with an officer who demands your identification and informs you that your infraction is serious. While he is checking your papers, you fear the worst. Then, with a mixture of authority and kindness, you hear him say the sweetest words: “I’m just going to give you a warning.” You drive off elated, having promised the officer that you will change your ways and adhere to the speed limit. 

In a sense, Jesus is issuing a warning to his followers as he explains about the recent tragic deaths of fellow Jews. Mind you, he isn’t saying that they died because of their lack of faith. Rather, he is giving a solemn reminder of everyone’s vulnerability to death. None of us know when our lives will end. We all run the risk of being snatched away unexpectedly while we are busy pursuing our plans. And so Jesus is asking us to be sure that we are ready to greet him, whenever our time comes.

So while we still have the gift of life, let’s make it a point to lift our eyes from a task-driven life to a life centered on Jesus and his calling. Why delay? 

Jesus isn’t looking primarily for our remorse; he’s looking for our love. For he knows that only love will produce long-lasting changes: his love for us and our love for him in return. He knows that the more time we spend soaking in his love, the more love we will have for one another, the more we will find comfort in his teachings, and the more we will find ourselves bearing fruit for him and his Church. So don’t be so speedy! Keep pace with the Lord. Take his Holy Spirit as your companion and guide, and he will make you more and more fruitful.

“Jesus, direct my life in the way of love. Orient me in love. Fill me with your Spirit, who is love! Lord, I want to bear fruit for you!”


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