Monday, February 22, 2016

Cooperating with the divine

Upon this rock I will build my Church. (Matthew 16:18)

God seems to enjoy choosing the most improbable people to move his purposes forward. The great King David committed adultery and conspired in a murder (2 Samuel 11:2-27). A cowardly Jonah fled from God’s commission to preach to the Ninevites (Jonah 1:1-3). A childless Sarah became the mother of all Israel (Genesis 18:1-14). Again and again, God has manifested his power by turning weakness into strength and sinners into saints. And so in keeping with this tradition, he chose a brash fisherman to be the rock upon whom he would build his Church.

Peter was the first to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah and Son of God, and for this insight, Jesus entrusted him with the keys of the kingdom (Matthew 16:13-19). Peter was a man of great love and loyalty, but he also had his flaws and failings. He frequently acted impetuously—he once boasted that he was ready to die with Jesus, only to reverse himself under pressure and deny knowing him (Luke 22:34).

Yet Peter also knew that Jesus loved him unconditionally, and his humble knowledge of this love kept him from giving in and giving up. During the final years of his life, this chief apostle led the Christian community in Rome and, true to his Master’s call, gave up his life there in the ultimate act of love and devotion. Even with his imperfections, Peter was able to fulfill the commission Jesus had given him.

Like Peter, we, too, have been called to follow Jesus. The call may appear daunting at times, but God wants to give us confidence that we can accomplish much if we try to rely on the Holy Spirit in spite of our weaknesses and imperfections.

When God chose Peter, he had a vision for what this zealous, hotheaded man could become. Jesus didn’t give up on him when he fell but kept urging him to put off his old attitudes. God has a beautiful vision for each of us too, and he never loses sight of it. All he asks is that we cooperate with him in his desire to purify us so that this vision can become a reality.


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