Look at my hands and my feet. (Luke 24:39)
As the funeral service ends, a young man and his
girlfriend walk out of the church. Unexpectedly, he turns to her, gets
down on one knee, and asks her to marry him. While it may seem like an
unusual setting for a proposal, the man was actually being strategic. “I
will love you and care for you for the rest of your life,” he tells
her. “I want to be with you until the day of my funeral.”
Is it any less strange—or strategic—that the greatest demonstration
of God’s love was the death of his Son? Or think about the way Jesus
proved his resurrection to his disciples: by showing them his
still-wounded hands and feet and side. Up until that point, the
disciples thought they were seeing a ghost. But now came the “big
reveal,” the moment when they discovered that by dying he had overcome
death. All at once, their sorrow was turned into amazement and joy.
Jesus’ victory looked so different from what the disciples had
expected. Instead of arriving with a king’s crown or a huge army, he
returned bearing the wounds of a brutal death. Even though he is now
risen in glory, his body remains marred. He isn’t just restored to his
former state—he is transformed in a way that reflects the price he paid
for our salvation. God didn’t just press a reset button. He took Jesus
through death into a new and eternal life.
Jesus’ scars are the marks of his love for us—a love unto death.
Every day, he invites us to gaze at these wounds and to see in them the
proof of his victory. What’s more, he wants to convince us that he can
turn our own wounds into marks of triumph. There is no situation too
desperate for him to overcome.
Jesus, the scarred and wounded Messiah, has already “proposed” to
you. He is already living out his vows to love you and honor you and be
true to you all the days of your life. If you ever find yourself
doubting, just look at his hands and feet.
from wau.org