If you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sins. (John 8:24)
“You can’t handle the truth!” That’s what Colonel Jessup tells a young lawyer during a tense moment in the movie A Few Good Men.
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells some of his enemies the truth,
and they can’t handle it: “If you do not believe that I am, you will
die in your sins” (John 8:24). His opponents have been testing him,
calculating how they can best catch him off guard, but Jesus doesn’t
react in kind. Rather, he tells them plainly that they need him because
he is the Messiah. Such a radical claim might have been too much to
swallow, but that didn’t stop Jesus. They had to know the truth, even if
it filled them with rage.
Thank God this doesn’t have to be our response! Rather, Jesus’ words,
even his uncomfortable ones, can fill our hearts with hope. Why the
different response? Faith. It is the gift of faith that makes Jesus’
words a blessing for us. Believing that he is “I am,” the Savior and
Redeemer, puts us on a new path. It changes the way we look at
everything—our loved ones, our enemies, our challenges,
Jesus died and rose again to give us eternal life. This is the
central truth of our faith. And this truth, unlike other facts like
2+2=4, isn’t static. Like the current of a river, this truth runs swift
and sure into the ocean of God’s love. When we let ourselves get caught
up in it, places in our lives where we once may have been discouraged or
fearful are washed away. We sense God’s presence. We know he has a plan
for our lives, and we trust him more and more.
The truth that Jesus is your Savior can impact you every day. It can
help you turn to him for help in all kinds of challenges. It can move
you to seek his guidance and wisdom. And it can spur you on to share the
great good news with everyone you know. May the truth of Jesus become
the one truth that everyone can handle!
from wau.org
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