Friday, April 8, 2016

Super joy

They left the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name. (Acts 5:41)

It’s easy to imagine superheroes winning battles using their superhuman strength and speed, but can you imagine beating your opponents with superhuman joy?
This is the situation in today’s readings. Members of the Sanhedrin were frustrated by how unstoppable the apostles seemed. They had them thrown in jail, but an angel released them, and they went right back to preaching at the Temple. When they were brought once more before the council, the elders were wringing their hands: how do you stop a group of people who seem genuinely happy, no matter what happens to them? Not even a flogging could defeat their spirits! 

The apostles rejoiced that they could suffer in imitation of their Master, and then they continued preaching—even in the Temple. Again!
Where did this joy come from? And even more to the point, how can we get some of it? Here is a three-step process that may help.
First of all, try your best to be as courageous as the apostles were. As you do, you’ll find the Holy Spirit giving you a new energy and excitement. That’s the beginning of joy.

Second, keep your mission in the forefront of your mind. Even when you’re washing dishes at home or building a spreadsheet at work, remember that you are here to witness to Jesus. The more you keep this perspective, the more you’ll rise above minor distractions and road bumps.

Finally, don’t let hardship get you down. Keep moving forward, remembering that Christ is in you, no matter what happens. Even if fulfilling your mission causes you some suffering, he is still there to give you all that you need to put one foot ahead of the other.

Superhuman joy may seem unattainable, but remember the apostles’ story. You can be just as joyful if you work toward the goal. Flex your “joy muscles” a little more every day so that you can grow stronger and stronger. Before you know it, you’ll be smiling even in the midst of the greatest of challenges!

“Lord, help me find the path to joy. Help me stay focused on you so that I can learn to rejoice in all things.”


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