Sunday, June 19, 2016

A journey

Follow me. (Luke 9:23)

Did you ever go off on adventures when you were a child? Perhaps you journeyed into the woods behind your home or explored an old abandoned building, wondering where all the rooms and staircases would take you. Adventures like these can be fun, even for grown-ups!
Another thrilling adventure is the one that unfolds as we follow Jesus. You never know where he will take you!

We see this in today’s Gospel, when Jesus asks the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” “The Christ of God,” Peter replies (Luke 9:20). Then Jesus goes on to predict his passion and tell the disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. A whole new chapter in Peter’s adventure has begun: the way of the cross. Surely he wondered what else lay ahead for him.
We know that following Jesus led Peter to a life that he could not have imagined: from being a humble fisherman to becoming the rock on which Jesus built his Church. But Peter didn’t know all of this when he began. And it certainly didn’t happen overnight. Still, Peter put his faith in Jesus, and while this meant letting go of some of his own plans along the way, he continued to take each new step because he trusted Jesus. 

Jesus won’t necessarily ask you to leave your family or your job as he asked Peter to. But he does want to be your Savior and Lord. Like Peter’s, your adventure is sure to be filled with twists and turns. You’ve probably encountered some already, in fact, and learned that you don’t have to be afraid. Keep that lesson in your mind the next time you face a new twist. Jesus is always by your side. He is always inviting you to trust him and follow him. He will never let you down!

“Jesus, thank you for calling me to follow you. Help me to hear and do all that you ask, today and always.” 


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