Friday, June 10, 2016

...during the storm

Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord. (1 Kings 19:11)

Elijah’s life was in danger. After defeating the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, he fled from Jezebel’s wrath, which thundered on the horizon like a threatening storm. Weary and discouraged, yet poised at a new chapter in his prophetic ministry, Elijah needed to hear God’s voice—and God’s messenger promised that he would. 

But it was only after Elijah had passed through the storm that he was able to hear God’s voice in a “tiny whispering sound” (1 Kings 19:12). 

Elijah’s story offers some encouraging insight into how we can hear God speak to us. In our natural desire to avoid stressful or challenging situations, we may think that the only way to hear God’s voice is in picturesque, quiet moments, when we are secluded and free to spend time with him in prayer or meditate on his word. Of course, those times are essential, but they are not the only way God speaks. And neither are they always the most effective way. 

In fact, God often uses the storms of life to help us find his presence and his wisdom. Life is not picture-perfect. We know what it’s like to feel buffeted by forces beyond our control and by situations that affect our work or health or our children and their future. Our foundation gets shaken by problems we can’t fix, and that can unnerve us.

But there’s always a hidden blessing in these tough situations: they can bring us to our knees. It’s when we find ourselves nearing the end of our strength, as Elijah did, that we are more likely to listen for Jesus’ still small voice. We sense that we need him in the midst of whatever storm is swirling around us.

The surprising thing about making it through storms is that we can look back and realize Jesus has been with us all along. He promised, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age,” and he is true to his word (Matthew 28:20). So whenever you are facing a storm, try your best to cling to Jesus. Believe that even in the midst of the turmoil, you can still hear his voice and know his presence.

“Jesus, help me to cling to you through the storms so that I can learn to hear you.” 


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