Sunday, June 5, 2016


It came through a revelation. (Galatians 1:12)

One of the great joys in life is receiving what St. Paul called “revelation” from God—that experience of sensing his presence and feeling led or taught by his Holy Spirit. Here are a few insights into what this revelation is and how we can experience it ourselves. 

First, at the Last Supper, Jesus told his apostles, “I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father” (John 15:15). If you want to be a friend of Jesus, make time for him; listen to him, just as you would listen to a friend.

Second, religious cults tell us to “empty our minds” if we want to meditate. But Scripture tells us to fill our minds with God’s word and to mediate on his unfailing love (Psalm 48:9), his mighty deeds (77:12), his precepts (119:15), and his promises (119:148). So make time to read God’s word each day, and ask the Spirit to write that word on your heart.

Third, having the right disposition also counts. Jesus once thanked his Father for having “hidden these things from the wise and the learned” and having “revealed them to the childlike” (Matthew 11:25). Children are trusting, uncomplicated, teachable, and content with little things. So try to be childlike in your prayer, eager to be with your heavenly Father.

God wants to reveal himself to us. He wants to show us how much he loves us. He also wants to speak to us in the quiet of our hearts—perhaps to ask us to be more kind and generous or to speak to that lonely person we just walked past or to have a heart for the poor. The more we come to God, the more we will hear his voice. 

It’s interesting how we can detect temptation more easily than we can detect God’s voice. Maybe it’s because of a lack of practice. So seek the Lord; ask him for revelation. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be surprised by what comes into your mind by the power of the Spirit.

“Jesus, imprint your word on my heart. I want to know your will.”


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