Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Direct encounter

They left their boat and their father and followed him. (Matthew 4:22)

Face-to-face communication is becoming less common, isn’t it? We can spend a whole day e-mailing, texting, and talking on the phone. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter keep us in touch without ever touching. Some of us work from the comfort (and isolation) of home and rarely have the chance to interact. Even online shopping can keep us away from merchants who may be just around the corner.

All of this technology certainly does make life more convenient. But what if Andrew and Simon Peter had met Jesus only online instead of face-to-face? Do you think they would have been as deeply affected as they are in today’s Gospel reading? 

Actually, this is not the first time they’ve seen him. John the Baptist had introduced Andrew to Jesus earlier, and Andrew spent the entire day with him. Andrew in turn introduced Simon to him—the one whom Jesus renamed Cephas, or Peter (John 1:35-42). Both brothers’ lives were changed because they spent time with Jesus.

As we celebrate St. Andrew today, let’s remember that this kind of direct encounter is at the heart of evangelization. In an Advent speech three years ago, Pope Francis said, “The most important thing that can happen to a person is to encounter Jesus, who loves us, who has saved us, who gave his life for us.” We can’t simply hope that the people around us will absorb enough information about Christ to become his disciples. We need to introduce them to Jesus, just as Andrew introduced Peter to him.
Bringing someone to Christ doesn’t have to be hard. Of course we can pray for people and tell them about God’s love. But sometimes we make more progress with simple expressions of love that are reflections of the Lord. Listening can be just as effective as prayer. A warm embrace can speak more powerfully than a lecture on sin. An invitation to lunch can have a greater impact than a logical presentation of the truths of the gospel.

Kindness, generosity, compassion—these are the keys that unlock the treasures of the gospel!

“Lord, send me to someone who needs to encounter you today.”


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