If you have faith the size of a mustard seed . . . (Luke 17:6)
“I didn’t think I was smart enough to go to
college, but my teachers saw things in me that I couldn’t see. They
helped me discover that I really can succeed!”
Like the young man who made this remark, many of us can identify some
achievement that we owe to the encouragement of a friend, spiritual
advisor, or some other cheerleader. People like these help us see our
potential; they push us to reach beyond our limited vision and
accomplish what we thought was impossible.
That’s what Jesus is doing for the apostles in today’s Gospel. He has
just told them to forgive seven times a day—constantly. They respond to
this seemingly impossible instruction with willingness and alarm:
“Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). It’s as if they’re saying, “We know we
have some faith, but it’s far too small! Give us a greater ability to
live according to what we believe.”
How does Jesus answer? He tells them not to fixate on how small or
inadequate their faith feels. He tells them that though their faith may
be just “the size of a mustard seed,” they have sufficient faith to do
everything he asks, even if it seems impossible (Luke 17:6).
Of course, Jesus wants us to keep growing in faith too. But how does
that happen? By using it! The “small” faith that has already been
planted in us has powerful potential. But in order to unleash all that
potential, we have to act on it, just as Jesus’ first disciples learned
to do. Remember how he sent them out to announce the kingdom, cure the
sick, and expel demons? They went equipped only with their “small” faith
and “returned rejoicing”—and maybe a little surprised—at the marvels
they had worked in Jesus’ name (Luke 10:17).
What about you? God has given you a mission. Is he calling you to do
something that feels beyond your level of faith? Repair a long-broken
relationship? Pray with someone for healing, and expect a miracle? Don’t
sell God—or yourself—short! God can use you just as he used the
disciples “to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians
3:20). Take it one step of faith at a time, and watch what happens.
“Jesus, I want to exercise the faith you have given me. Today I will move forward by ______.”
from wau.org
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