. . an anchor of the soul, sure and firm. (Hebrews 6:19)
The Letter to the Hebrews was addressed to
Christians wavering in their faith. Persecution, including imprisonment
and loss of property, was tempting some to give up their faith in Jesus
and embrace the more customary, and therefore safer, traditions of
Judaism. And so the author reminds them that they are anchored, surely
and firmly, to the hope and promises found in Christ. He now is their
“high priest” before God, the One who intercedes for them every day
(Hebrews 6:20). Hold on to Jesus, the author urges. He is steadfast, and
he will keep you safe in any storm.
Think about what an anchor does. It stops a boat’s progress. The boat
may still move a bit with the current, but the weighty anchor, dug into
the bottom of the sea, will hold it fast. This is who Jesus is for you!
He is your anchor who holds you fast to the mercy and presence of God.
He is your source of stability, because his promises are sure, and his
faithfulness is absolute. He can also help you remain faithful, as he
reminds you of everything that he has said.
When a boat drifts far enough, the anchor is there to tug it back.
Some days, you might feel that you have drifted away. Be assured, the
anchor can hold you! You may feel its tug in a twinge of conscience, a
hesitation to say or do something, a conviction that certain thoughts in
your head are not godly, or even an inability to continue in the
direction you were headed. This tug assures you that Jesus has not
abandoned you. It assures you that you are still rooted and grounded in
Hebrews tells us that this anchor “reaches into the interior,” right
into the presence of God (Hebrews 6:19). That is where you are
anchored—in heaven! So go ahead, and approach your heavenly Father
today. Ask him for help, direction, and comfort, and be assured that he
will hear you. Day after day, challenge after challenge, Jesus is with
you, interceding for you and making your faith and hope and trust in him
more firm.
“Thank you, Father, for the hope and confidence that your promises give me. Thank you for anchoring me to you!”
from wau.org
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