The God of all encouragement . . . (2 Corinthians 1:3)
Experts tell us that for every negative comment we hear, it takes
five positive comments to balance it out. That means it’s much easier to
get discouraged than to feel encouraged. Perhaps that’s why Paul uses
the word “encourage” or “encouragement” ten times in this letter. Maybe
he wanted the Corinthians—and us—to know God’s love more deeply.
The Gospels give us lots of examples of Jesus encouraging people.
When a scribe asked Jesus which commandment was the greatest, he
replied, “You are not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:34). Imagine
how good that scribe must have felt!
When Peter professed him as the Christ, Jesus answered, “Blessed are
you, Simon son of Jonah” (Matthew 16:17). Think of how that must have
reinforced Peter’s conviction and his desire to keep following Jesus.
When confronted with a woman caught in adultery, Jesus told her,
“Neither do I condemn you” (John 8:11). Imagine how these words must
have strengthened her to go and “not sin any more” (8:11)!
The encouragement didn’t stop when Jesus returned to his Father. He
promised to send the Holy Spirit as “another Advocate” (John 14:16). And
can you guess which word is used for “advocate”? Parakletos, which
comes from the same Greek word for encouragement that Paul uses in
today’s first reading!
Part of the reason Paul stressed the Holy Spirit’s role as encourager
was that he was writing to Christians undergoing hardship. He wanted
them to know that the Holy Spirit would help them find hope and stay
close to the Lord even through trials. He wanted to tell them that the
Spirit could teach them through their trials so that they could walk
alongside other people and offer them the same encouragement.
The Holy Spirit wants to encourage you as well. When you’re feeling
down on yourself, he will help lift your spirits. When you wonder
whether your efforts are bearing fruit, he will show you how much you’ve
grown. And when things are going well, he is with you, encouraging you
to keep up the good work.
God is on your side. He is always at work, offering you his encouragement.
“Holy Spirit, how do you want to encourage me today?”
Very encouraging. We must try everyday.