Friday, August 11, 2017

Signs of glory

All this you were allowed to see. (Deuteronomy 4:35) 

The Hebrews whom Moses led out of Egypt saw spectacles we can only imagine: plagues, pillars of cloud and fire, and a sea that parted before them and closed on Pharaoh’s army. Just recounting all the miracles and signs and wonders surrounding the Exodus can make us tired. Surely God could have just picked up his people and transported them directly to the Promised Land instead! But he didn’t. He chose to lead them by signs and wonders so that they would know that the Lord is God—and there is no other.

Likewise, God wants to give us signs and wonders to help convince us that he is the one and only God. His signs are all around us. Brilliant sunsets and billowing clouds, towering peaks and rushing streams, daily proclaim his glory. The vast variety of plants and animals on our planet declares his infinite beauty and creativity—and, in some cases, his sense of humor. The slow erosion of mountains and the movement of glaciers show his limitless patience, while gales and blizzards tell of his vast power. 

God’s signs and wonders aren’t just visible around you; they are within you as well. Pillars of fire may be rare, but the Holy Spirit might “light up” a Scripture verse to help you understand God’s mind a little better. Or you might read the story of a saint and gain a new appreciation for another way that God has worked in the world. Or God might give you the grace to cross “seas” of discouragement or fear so that you can emerge stronger and closer to him. 

God is always sending you signs that he is alive and present. It just takes practice to recognize them. One way to start is with praise—maybe praising him for the glory of a glowing sunrise or the pleasure of a cooling breeze on a hot day. Look for the ways he has helped you forgive someone or has given you a sense of how much he loves you. If you open your eyes today, you can be confident that you’ll see the glory of God. 

“Lord, open my eyes so that I can see your power at work in my life today.”


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