Saturday, March 9, 2019


The Lord will guide you always and give you plenty even on the parched land. (Isaiah 58:11) 

Those who invest in stocks or corporations do so in order to make a certain percentage of money on top of what they first invested. In the financial world, this is known as an “ROI”—a Return on Investment. 

This concept from the world of business and high finance can help us understand a key spiritual principle: God rewards us when we invest our time and effort in him. In today’s first reading, the prophet Isaiah explains that those who spend time caring for the needy and honoring the Sabbath will be rewarded with a “spring whose water never fails” (58:11). That’s like having an infinite return on investment!

But Isaiah isn’t talking only about the time we invest in doing; he is also asking us to spend time resting, or keeping the Sabbath holy.
It’s easy to think that Sunday is a good time to catch up on work and other projects. But God promises that if you take time to step back from your own endeavors on the Sabbath, he will renew you. If you can find a way to put aside your to-do list—even if it’s just for a couple of hours—he will make up the difference in ways you might not expect. You’ll discover the divine irony that doing less actually results in greater gains!

So what can you expect to happen if you set aside a portion of each Sunday this Lent to rest in the Lord? Perhaps by slowing down and relaxing, you’ll find it easier to sense the Lord’s presence. Maybe you’ll discover that you have more time to sit down with your spouse or a child or friend, and learn more about what’s on their heart. Then when you come to the end of the day, you might feel more grateful because you have been able to see more clearly the many ways God has blessed you.

Sharp investors are always on the lookout for a solid return, but they know there is always a risk involved in any transaction. And that’s precisely where this analogy breaks down. There is no risk with the Lord. Anyone who invests in him—especially on his day of rest—is guaranteed to reap a wonderful return. That’s how faithful God is! 

“Lord, help me to honor the Sabbath this Lent by resting with you.” 


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