Monday, May 16, 2016

The power of prayer

Helen was almost late for a job interview for which punctuality was a must. As she drove into the parking lot, she could see it was filled. Panicking, she prayed, “Lord, please help me find a parking spot.” As she rounded the corner, right in front of her was an empty space. “That’s okay, Lord,” she prayed. “I found one myself.”

We may chuckle at this story, but it raises a good question: why are we so quick to look for natural solutions and slow to look for the supernatural answers? Could it be a lack of trust in God? We read self-help books to cope with the challenges in life. We go to friends for advice on how to handle troublesome situations. We automatically call a doctor when a loved one gets sick. But we don’t think naturally about taking our challenges to Jesus, either for his intervention or for his help in persevering.

Isn’t this what happened to Jesus’ disciples when they were unable to heal the young man possessed with demons? It seems that they were relying on their own abilities instead of God’s power. Jesus told them that they were unsuccessful because “this kind can only come out through prayer”—something it seems they hadn’t done (Mark 9:29). 

This story shows us how crucial intercessory prayer is. It tells us that we can bring all of our petitions to the Lord and that he will act. Remember, you are not merely a “natural” person. Created in the image and likeness of God, you have a “spiritual” dimension as well. As you pray, you can connect with the Holy Spirit and make a difference in this world. You don’t have to be subject to every bad situation that comes your way. Neither do you have to think that your loved ones are stuck in their ruts. You can pray, and lives can change! 

No matter how powerless you may feel today, tell yourself that Jesus is with you anyway. Tell yourself that he can help you to reach out to people and pray for them. Go ahead; ask, seek, and knock. Surely God will answer.


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