Whoever receives this child in my name receives me. (Luke 9:48)
What’s in a name? A lot? Or not very much at
all? After reading today’s Gospel, you might say, “Both.” Because if
your name is Jesus, that’s really something! But it’s “something” for
you only to the degree that you are connected to him and to the grace
that his name carries.
Jesus’ disciples were still playing the “name game,” squabbling over
who would become the most famous apostle. So Jesus brought a small child
to himself—a child whose name we never hear. You can imagine him
situating the young person right by his side, with his hands on the
little one’s shoulders. Then, when you hear him say, “Whoever receives
this child in my name receives me,” you realize that Jesus has connected
himself with this child in a special way (Luke 9:48). That’s one lucky
That child is you! In fact, Jesus has joined himself with you in an
even deeper way than the little one in today’s Gospel. Through the
Spirit, he dwells in your heart. Think about that: the Lord of heaven
happily makes his home in you. He delights in giving you a special place
in God’s family and conferring his own name upon you. You could even
insert your own name into this phrase and hear Jesus say, Whoever
receives ___________ receives me, for I have joined myself to them and
will never leave them.
It makes no difference if your name is never printed in newspapers or
in the Bible, for that matter. When you turn to Jesus and call on his
name, no matter the circumstance, you are reaffirming your permanent
connection with him. And as you do, grace will flow into you through
your bond with him.
So call on Jesus’ name in the middle of the storm, and you will
receive his peace. Are you uncertain about a decision? You have access
to the wisdom of Christ to guide you. Are you lonely or weary? Jesus
walks alongside you, encouraging you and giving you his strength. You
bear the name of Christ—and nothing can overcome that name!
“Jesus, ‘I call upon you, for you will answer me’ (Psalm 17:6).
Thank you for joining yourself to me and standing beside me in every
from wau.org
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