Monday, October 10, 2016

The Greatest sign

This generation . . . seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah. (Luke 11:29) 

“Lord, it’s easy to imagine myself in the crowd who was asking for a sign. After all, you’re an invisible God. I can’t perceive you directly with my physical senses. So I confess that sometimes, I have doubted that you’re really present with me. Lord, thank you, because you have never condemned my inner jumble of uncertainties and prayers. Instead, in those times of doubt, your grace has flowed even more intensely—along with your patience and understanding.

“Lord, you are teaching me that you have created the world this way because you value faith, hope, and love. The kind of faith you’re building in me decides to believe even without 100 percent certainty. I wouldn’t experience the thrill of stepping out in this faith if I saw you protecting and guiding me all the time. And how could I express hope if heaven were already settled onto earth? And love? That especially enflames your heart. If I were to feel the enormous weight of your glory, it might lessen the freedom of my decision to surrender myself to you. So thank you for wooing me into friendship with you.

“Lord, when the crowd asked for a sign, some might have felt rebuffed by your response. They didn’t get it—by alluding to Jonah, you showed that a great sign was appearing on the horizon. You would be crucified, buried for three days, and then raised up in glory. This is the greatest sign of all! Because they had seen you alive again, your disciples boldly gave their lives in martyrdom. 

“Lord, help me to cling confidently to these signs you’ve given—and to the ones you’re still revealing to me. You promised, ‘When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me’ (Jeremiah 29:13-14). Lord, help me to pursue you with my whole heart. I trust that as I walk with you, I will discover more signs than I can count. Lord, help me to believe so that I might see!

“Jesus, thank you for the sign of the cross—the greatest sign of your love.”


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