Sunday, January 27, 2013


Mary's famous proclamation: " I am the servant of the Lord..." has transcended the demands of time and is still relevant today. This statement was made based on the reliance on an established relationship with the Lord, such that she was open to accept wholly, the promises made from His words. Today, Mary throws us a challenge; Are we ready to accept without question, the promises of God for our lives? we may have been disappointed so many times by the promises of man but God's words are yea and amen. Lets hang on them and eventually we will have a song on our lips.

He is able

The blind men came to Jesus recognizing that He is the messiah. They believed that He was able to heal them, and He did. It makes me wonder whether our prayers are grounded on belief in God's omnipotence or they are just a rattle of words? The prayers we make will be meaningless if we don't believe in the power of God to provide and save. Let us reflect on God's ability today and lets come to believe deep in our hearts that He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, more than we can ask or imagine.


When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom being among the world, He is referring to us as Christians; We are the signs of the Kingdom of God in this world. We represent Him and thus our actions must portray the Kingdom.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Da - Tribute to my father

Da, I close my eyes and the memories keep on flashing.
The time spent together, it seemed unending
But now I refer to you in the past tense
A concept, I knew, was never near
But today, there you lie, having fought the battle
With God's glory, now your mantle.

Da, your gentleness was your banner
a characteristic feature none could counter
Your mild and soft advice, I still remember
Your gentle rebukes are etched forever
Your affable nature, I so much admire
But today, they are memories, memories I will always savour

Da, with my heart racing, I remember;
How you loved the Lord and His body
How you labored for Him and her growth
How you sought excellence in your work,
and watched over, to ensure our progress.
But today, I cry. Not because I am afraid,
But because I miss you already
For today you are the victim yet the victor.

Da, farewell, I know you are smiling on us now, from the Fathers bosom


Studying Luke 9:57-62, titled: "The cost of following Jesus", It portrayed a certain harshness in the kingdom business and made me wonder about the love of our God. Yet it shows us how urgent and important God's work is. I realized, in my life, how much I place a lot of premium on wordly business but less premium on kingdom business; with matters relating to prayer and studying of the word. I recall how I easily woke up at dawn to prepare for my job interview but struggle to wake up at the same time to spend some time with my Father.

Today may we see the things relating to the kingdom as being important and the foremost ventures in our lives.


I have to come to realize that to us humans, we believe that worrying/thinking of what to eat, where to work, buildings, cars and properties is a sign of maturity and growth. But to a transformed (born again), these things have been supplied by our Father already. What should occupy our minds must be Him. That is, His word, prayer and consistent meditation. This childlike faith of totally relying on our Father is what Jesus kept on emphasizing. Maturity in the eyes of man is independence. Maturity in the spirit, is dependance on the Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 14, 2013

22 September 2012

Today death visited our home
The place of laughter, parents and grand parents chasing their little ones
The place where a raucous surrounding becomes suddenly peaceful
The place where I have meditated and prayed
The place where all memories of family begins
The place now, filled with tears.

Struggling to see the ink through mine
I pen what I feel:
You visited us death,
today your temporary address was 5119 Accra-North.
I rebuked you in my prayer yesterday
But today my Father gave you permission to take my father.
Remember this, it is a temporary address, and my Father willed it so.
If you think this will derail us from our Father,
Then think twice. In fact, you make we "bore sef"
We will serve Him "gidigidi" like our father did!!

I save the last verse for you, Da
I knew this day will come, but not so soon.
I was praying you will see the day I walked her down the aisle
The day when you will hold and cuddle my "lings"
But that day was not meant to be
Right now I feel you are chilling out in heaven, our destination
Waiting for all of us to meet again.
I cry not because I am afraid,
I cry because I already miss you.
But you are with our Father, your Father
So fare thee well my father,
Today you are the victim yet you are the victor.