Thursday, March 28, 2019

Looking forward

They . . . turned their backs, not their faces, to me. (Jeremiah 7:24) 

We often hear the Christian life compared to a journey, and for good reason. When someone takes a journey, it’s because they want to get somewhere—just as we are journeying toward our ultimate destination of heaven. And as anyone on a journey knows, the best way to get to the destination is to keep moving forward. That’s what makes today’s first reading so poignant. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God laments that his people have been going backward and not forward. They have turned their backs to the Lord and started walking away from him and back into the darkness of sin.

Think about this image for a bit. What is sin if it’s not going backward, returning to the urges and desires that cut us off from God and one another? And what is the result of walking backward? We move away from our destination and lose sight of the heavenly life that is our inheritance in Christ.
At the same time, what is a life of faith if it’s not one of constantly moving forward with our eyes fixed on the goal? What is it if it’s not taking the bold step of trusting that God will support us, strengthen us, and fulfill us far more than sin could ever derail us?

When you are faced with temptation today, keep this image in your mind. Remember that the choice is always yours: whether to take a step backward, away from your goal, or to walk forward, out of the swirling drives and urges and into the arms of your heavenly Father. Commit yourself today to continuing on with your journey of trust and love, keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus and his heavenly throne.

Remember too that the journey forward is not one you take alone. You are surrounded by the saints and angels. You have the witness, prayer, and support of brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world. Best of all, Jesus himself is always with you “until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
As this week winds down, take a few moments to examine your journey. Ask if there are any obstacles that you can remove. Is there anything you can do to make your way forward smoother and quicker?

“Jesus, I want to walk toward you today. Help me to reach my goal of union with you.”


Saturday, March 16, 2019

The essence of today

This day, . . . Today . . . (Deuteronomy 26:16, 17) 

If an observant Jew were to ask God which day is his favorite, he might expect the answer to be Saturday, the day that God rested. A Christian might expect the answer to be Sunday, the day of the resurrection. But God’s favorite day is today. No, not this date in history, but today, every day, each particular day in which you find yourself. Why? Because today, this very moment, is filled with divine potential. This day is brimming with his power and grace.

Remember the Israelites wandering in the desert. God gave them a new start each and every day. Think about the manna that he provided for them to eat; they could collect enough for only one day. Yet it was there anew every morning (Exodus 16:4-15)! Now, as Moses gathers the people on the edge of the Promised Land, he calls them to trust this same truth: today God will provide everything they need; today he stands fully committed to loving them and protecting them.

You too have a brand-new day today. Yesterday, with all the mistakes and choices you wish you could change, is behind you. Tomorrow, with all the challenges that might make you anxious, is in God’s hands. But today, God is offering you his love. Today, he is offering you his word of wisdom. Today, he is inviting you to follow him. 

Everyone has many different needs, but in addition to meeting these needs, God offers one gift to every single person every single day: his full attention. Right here, right now, he is offering you his faithfulness and love. He knows what today holds, and he is offering you the wisdom you need to face it.

God is not limited to the past stories from the Bible and the ancient saints. Neither is he far away in some future time that you might live to see. “Yesterday, today, and forever,” he is with you (Hebrews 13:8). This is the moment when you can come to him, connect with him, and know how close he really is. He knows exactly what you need, and he already has it in hand for you. “This is the day the Lord has made” (Psalm 118:24)!

“Jesus, thank you for this day. Open my eyes to the grace you have for me, grace that is perfect for today.”


Saturday, March 9, 2019


The Lord will guide you always and give you plenty even on the parched land. (Isaiah 58:11) 

Those who invest in stocks or corporations do so in order to make a certain percentage of money on top of what they first invested. In the financial world, this is known as an “ROI”—a Return on Investment. 

This concept from the world of business and high finance can help us understand a key spiritual principle: God rewards us when we invest our time and effort in him. In today’s first reading, the prophet Isaiah explains that those who spend time caring for the needy and honoring the Sabbath will be rewarded with a “spring whose water never fails” (58:11). That’s like having an infinite return on investment!

But Isaiah isn’t talking only about the time we invest in doing; he is also asking us to spend time resting, or keeping the Sabbath holy.
It’s easy to think that Sunday is a good time to catch up on work and other projects. But God promises that if you take time to step back from your own endeavors on the Sabbath, he will renew you. If you can find a way to put aside your to-do list—even if it’s just for a couple of hours—he will make up the difference in ways you might not expect. You’ll discover the divine irony that doing less actually results in greater gains!

So what can you expect to happen if you set aside a portion of each Sunday this Lent to rest in the Lord? Perhaps by slowing down and relaxing, you’ll find it easier to sense the Lord’s presence. Maybe you’ll discover that you have more time to sit down with your spouse or a child or friend, and learn more about what’s on their heart. Then when you come to the end of the day, you might feel more grateful because you have been able to see more clearly the many ways God has blessed you.

Sharp investors are always on the lookout for a solid return, but they know there is always a risk involved in any transaction. And that’s precisely where this analogy breaks down. There is no risk with the Lord. Anyone who invests in him—especially on his day of rest—is guaranteed to reap a wonderful return. That’s how faithful God is! 

“Lord, help me to honor the Sabbath this Lent by resting with you.” 


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Just come

Let the children come to me. (Mark 10:14) 

If you have ever been around little kids for an extended length of time, you know that they are not picture-perfect little angels. Some run around and knock things over, others ask embarrassing questions, and some can’t help but interrupt their parents’ conversations. The kids who gathered around Jesus were no different. There was probably a mix of all kinds of personalities and dispositions—some were rambunctious, some were shy, some were inquisitive, and some were demanding. But no matter how different they were, each of them was attracted to Jesus. And he welcomed them all! In a culture where children were taught to keep out of the way, Jesus wanted them to come closer so that he could bless them. “Let them come,” he said.

Jesus looks at us in the same way. He doesn’t mind if we don’t have it all together. He doesn’t expect us to act perfectly around him. He just wants to be close to us. He knows that each of us deeply desires to be welcomed, to be valued, to belong. And that’s exactly what Jesus wants to tell us. It doesn’t matter whether or not we feel worthy; it doesn’t matter whether or not we fit some ideal of what a friend of Jesus looks like. He just wants us to come to him. 

With that in mind, read this passage again, and imagine all the different kinds of children who were brought to Jesus. Think about the love and patience he must have had. Think about his overflowing joy as he interacted with them, both as a group and individually. Think about how he loved and blessed each one in a special way. 

Now, picture yourself as one of those children. Imagine he’s looking at you as all the others are milling around. He says, “Don’t be afraid,” and holds out his hand. He already knows you inside and out, and he welcomes you. He doesn’t want you to feel unworthy. He sees the goodness that he has put inside of you, and he knows the kind of person you can become. Your rough edges will be smoothed. Can you hear him inviting you? Go ahead and run to him! 

“Jesus, help me to draw near to you like a child.” 
