Thursday, July 19, 2018

"Take my yoke"

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Think about all the times we hear commands in radio and TV ads. “Start using your checkout account today!” “Don’t lose your reward!” “Buy now and save!” Such commands, clearly, are designed to stir us to action. 

Jesus sometimes speaks this way to us, too. In today’s Gospel reading, for instance, he issues a compelling command, one with promises attached that far outstrip any promise made by any advertiser. Come to me! he commands, and I will give you rest, he promises (Matthew 11:28).

And yet Jesus knows how easy it is for us to set aside his command to come to him and so miss out on his promise of rest. We have all kinds of reasons why we don’t come to him. Guilt or shame can keep us away because we feel unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence. Or maybe we are feeling overwhelmed, so busy trying to get things done that we just don’t feel we can make the time for God. Distractions, especially the “noise” we face every day from the myriad forms of media and entertainment, can make it difficult to quiet our minds and settle into Jesus’ presence. Or we might be tempted to think, “I’m okay. I don’t need to rest with Jesus right now. I can do this if I just work harder.”

Whatever the reason, Jesus still says, Come! Come to me when you’re feeling bad about yourself. Come to me even when you think you’re too busy. Come especially when you’re distracted. Come when you are depressed or anxious or lonely. Come, even if you think you can do something without me.

So what are you waiting for? Using your faith and your imagination, place yourself in Jesus’ presence right now. Tell him what’s on your mind—your burdens, your victories, your worries, your workload. Even tell him about your sins. He won’t judge you; he’ll forgive you! Then close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You may not feel anything right away, but you can still trust that he is pouring his blessings on you—precisely because you came to him. 

“Jesus, I need your rest, so I come to you to take on your yoke and learn from you.”


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Bearing fruit even in the midst of challenges (1 Peter 1:3-9)

As Christians we have been chosen to bear fruit. But at the same time challenges and difficulties come into our lives in one form or the other. Many of us may be experiencing this today. From family, to work, to school, there might be one hurdle or another that needs to be overcome. So how do we continue to bear fruit even in the midst of these challenges? Though this is a difficult topic Jesus reminds us In John 16:33 that in this world we will have tribulation. But we must take heart because He has overcome the world.

 In our main text, St. Peter was writing to the church in the Roman provinces, in present day Turkey, during a time of persecution in his role as the head of the church in Rome. Its interesting that in the midst of the hardship Peter first and foremost decided to remind them of what they already had as believers in Christ. In vs 3-4, he reminded them of the living hope they have in the risen Christ who has given them an imperishable inheritance. Why was this reminder important? One would have expected that the first point in Peter’s letter might be to empathize with the persecuted people, or maybe show them some survival techniques, rather he chose to first remind them of who they belong to, who they are and what they already have. 

During the time of challenges it is easy to lose sight of the victorious life Christ has already secured for us on the cross. You can imagine that the daily struggles of surviving persecution might constantly be in the forefront of the minds of these persecuted Christians. Peter saw the need to first bring back their focus to the foundation of the faith; Jesus. To continue bearing fruit even in the ups and downs of life, we must fix our eyes on Jesus. The Lord Himself reminds us in John 15, that we the branches, need to remain in Him, the vine. To remain always takes an effort especially when there are other factors trying to gain our attention. Peter is drawing our minds to the need to spend even more time in prayer, scripture study and fellowship during times of difficulty in order not to lose sight of Jesus and His work on the cross for us. He reminds us of the need to keep in mind that we have access to an unfading inheritance, kept in heaven for us which is shielded by God’s power. Inheritance bestowed from a will is always finite. Either its supply reduces or its value diminishes. However St. Peter is reminding us of what we already have, our heavenly inheritance which is guarded by God Himself. What a blessing!!

 In Ephesians 1, St Paul reminds us of this inheritance: We have been blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing, in Christ we have been chosen to be holy and blameless in His sight, in Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and in Him we have the promised seal of the Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance.  In order to remain fruitful during challenges we have to remind ourselves of these truths. We have to remind ourselves of who we are, whom we belong to and what we have.

Secondly, St. Peter reminds us in vs 6-7, that our challenges are a means to an end and not an end in itself. In verse 7, Peter comments that our challenges should be seen as a way of refining our faith, bringing honor and praise to Jesus. We see this lived out in the lives of the apostles as we read in the book of Acts, where after several floggings and imprisonments the apostles still moved ahead spreading the gospel with a renewed resolve. Their faith was strengthened to continue to bear more fruit. To be fruitful in challenging times, we need to consider our challenges as opportunities for growth in the faith. In Hebrews 11 we read of the great women and men of faith who had travailed through several conditions to bring glory to God through their fruits. From Abraham to David we see how holding on during challenges enabled them to grow from strength to strength in their faith, bearing the fruits we now see and read about.  We see this same mindset in St Paul. He writes in Romans 5:8: Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Again he states in Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Its necessary that we have this outlook in our lives that we see our challenges as opportunities for growth which lead to fruit bearing bringing glory to the Lord.

Thirdly, to be fruitful in the midst of challenges we need to remain connected to the community of believers. St Paul writes in Hebrews 10:25 “25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” The need for community cannot be over emphasized. Right from the beginning of the church, in the book of Acts, we read of how believers met for fellowship with the breaking of bread and the reading of scripture. The essence of community living is seen highlighted throughout scripture. We see this sense of community among Jesus and His disciples right to the early church communities established by the apostles as they moved evangelizing from place to place. By remaining connected to the community we receive encouragement to move ahead in our times of difficulty through the sharing of testimonies and communal prayer. The community of faith serves as a huge resource for pulling through challenging times to bear fruit for the kingdom. A typical example of the effect of community living can be seen in the life of Barnabas. We read in the book of Acts 9 of how Barnabas stood by Paul in his time of difficulty when the rest of the disciples were afraid to associate with him due to his history. Because of the action and encouragement of Barnabas, Paul became an integral part of the mission of spreading the gospel. I pray that we will become even more, a people of community, that our challenges will drive us closer even as we share and encourage one another, so that as a unified body of Christ, we will bear lasting fruits for His glory.

Lastly, to remain fruitful in the midst of challenges, we must learn to totally rely on the Holy Spirit. In John 14 Jesus reminds us that He will not leave us as orphans. He will send us His Spirit, and we see this being fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. Brothers and sisters, we have the Holy Spirit, our comforter and our advocate. He speaks to us and we must learn to listen and rely on Him. The saving action of the Holy Spirit is seen so many times in the scriptures. We see this clearly in the book of Acts where a persecuted and fearful group of disciples are transformed to bold bearers of fruits for the kingdom. From Peter to Paul, we read about how on several occasions the Holy Spirit ministered to and used them as vessels of honor to bring hope and deliverance even in trying moments. Today the Holy Spirit is still available to us. Its crucial that we rely on Him just as the fathers of the church did. In our difficult moments we must choose to hold on to Him and not focus on the situation around us. We must not give up.   

My sisters and brothers, we have been called to a life of bearing fruit yet our lives may be filled with one challenge or another. By focusing on Jesus, spending time with the community of believers, having the right mind set in approaching our challenges and relying totally on the Holy Spirt, we can continue to bear fruit even in the midst of it all. I pray that the Lord will continue to give us the strength and the resolve to  bear fruit for Him regardless of the circumstance. Amen.

Worship Closet: Reckless Love by Cory Ashbury

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Don't let fear cloud your faith

Do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:31) 

As he prepares to send his disciples out on their first missionary journey, Jesus breaks the news to them that they will face some hefty challenges. But he also reassures them that God is bigger than their troubles, so they don’t have to be afraid. He is their Father, and like any Father, he is watching over them.

Jesus’ words here make it clear that God is involved with all of his creatures, even to the point of feeding birds and dressing lilies. He doesn’t even mind counting hairs! So shouldn’t it follow that he is intimately involved in your life as well?

When Jesus talks about counting the hairs on our heads, he’s not talking about taking inventory. This is not a cold and businesslike action taken by some celestial clerk with a clipboard. It’s more like a mother stroking her baby’s head as she cradles him. It’s more like a father taking note of every one of his son’s features as he follows the boy’s growth into manhood. So if, in the back of your mind, you are hesitant to approach God, remember how precious you are to him. You are his pride and joy, and he has wonderful plans for you. 

This is the undeniable, at times unbelievable, truth at the foundation of our Christian faith: God treasures you. He cares about what keeps you up at night. He cares about the concerns in your heart. He rejoices in your successes, and he grieves over your sorrows. 

So don’t be afraid of the challenges or the challengers that this day will bring. Don’t let fear cloud your faith. Draw near to God instead, and have faith in his care for you. If you are hurting, show him your wounds. Remember, his Son, Jesus, has wounds as well—wounds he received in order to rescue you from sin. God is your Father. He is your provider and your protector, and he is involved in your life. He may work in ways you least expect, but he will always act with your best interest at heart.

“Father, nothing is too small that it escapes your notice or too big that it is beyond your power. With you at my side, what is there to fear?”


Friday, July 13, 2018

The stamp of grace

Behold, I am sending you. (Matthew 10:16) 

Do you feel just a little intimidated by Jesus’ words, that he is sending you to evangelize? Maybe you doubt that you’re holy enough. Or skilled enough. Or winsome enough. If so, try to look at “being sent” from a different angle.

Think about sending a letter in the mail. When you mail a letter to a friend, you try to make it look presentable. You pick nice paper, a clean envelope, and use your best penmanship. You try to choose just the right words. But you realize that the real “power” sending the letter is the stamp attached to the envelope. If there’s a misspelled word or bent corner, you don’t worry about it; the letter will still be delivered as long as it has a stamp. You trust your friend will receive it and appreciate the gesture.
Being sent out by Jesus is not so different. We are like letters sent by God. Our every encouraging word and caring deed can communicate God’s love to the people around us. 

In fact, St. Paul called the Corinthians “a letter of Christ . . . , written . . . on tablets that are hearts of flesh” (2 Corinthians 3:3). So of course you’ll want to make your letter the best letter possible. Of course you’ll want to live in a way that reflects God’s goodness and to speak words that lift up people’s hearts. But you also know that the real work of evangelization doesn’t rest only on your skill or effort. You need the stamp of God’s grace. 

Yes, the Lord calls us to be shrewd. Yes, being sent out does require our time and effort. But remember: the call to evangelize hinges on two things: the stamp of God’s grace and the letter of your life. Don’t discount the grace! Don’t forget that God wants his word to get out. Don’t forget that he wants to help you be as effective as possible.

So keep on speaking words of hope and performing deeds of kindness. But also rest in the knowledge that it’s not only about you. It’s also about the One who sends you, the God who has sealed you with his grace. He knows about your smudges and bent corners, and he’s sending you anyway because he trusts in the power of the stamp he has affixed to your life.

“Here I am, Lord. Send me.”


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Committed to you

You are . . . members of the household of God. (Ephesians 2:19) 

“Where did I come from?” The question seems to be ingrained in us. We make family trees, talk about our great grandparents, and pass down family recipes for generations. Now we can even find out about our genetic background, thanks to DNA mapping technology. Why is this quest for our history so important to us? Because it helps us understand who we are and how we fit into this world.
There’s another aspect to this quest for self-discovery, even though we don’t always recognize it. In addition to our genetic DNA, and our family and social DNA, we also have a spiritual DNA that is every bit as important. Who are the “members of the household of God” whose DNA has been passed on and influenced us (Ephesians 2:19)?

Today’s feast of St. Thomas gives us a few answers. When Jesus chose Thomas to be one of his apostles, he may have sensed that Thomas would be filled with questions and doubts. If nothing else, he would have seen the signs during their time together. But none of Thomas’ doubtful ways moved Jesus to reject him or ask him to leave. Thomas belonged, just as everyone else did.

In fact, Jesus even used Thomas’ doubting to his advantage: as he invited Thomas to probe his wounds, he told all of his apostles—and all of us—“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (John 20:29). Jesus seized on a perfect opportunity to explain our mission to bring everyone to faith in him—the doubtful as well as the self-assured.

Your “natural” DNA may make it easy or hard for you to believe. You may be a trusting soul, or you may tend toward skepticism. You may be meek or bold, flexible or stubborn. It doesn’t matter. You are a spiritual descendant of all the saints: the doubting Thomas, the blustery Peter, the anguished Mary Magdalene, and the overly zealous Paul. Whoever you take after, Jesus treasures you. He has a vital role for you to play in his kingdom. Because you are made in his image, he is completely committed to you. 

“Thank you, Jesus, for loving me as I am. Lord, come and make me more like you.”
