Thursday, April 26, 2018

Focus on the forest

God, according to his promise, has brought to Israel a savior, Jesus. (Acts 13:23) 

Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees. We focus on the little things right in front of us, our everyday concerns and preoccupations, and lose sight of the big picture of God’s plan for our lives.
This can be true even with our acts of faith. For example, we can be so focused on getting to Mass on Sunday and saying our prayers every morning that we lose sight of their significance or power. Or we can be so intent on getting God to answer a particular need that we fail to see how much he has already done for us and how much he promises to do for us if we stay close to him.

In today’s first reading, Paul is showing the people in Pisidia the big picture. He outlines how God’s plan has unfolded over thousands of years, and how it has culminated in the sending of Jesus as Savior. Everything God has promised, Paul proclaims, is coming true now in Christ.
Just what has God promised? That if we believe in his Son, we will have eternal life (John 5:24). That all things do work for our good (Romans 8:28). That he will be with us forever, in this life and for all eternity (Matthew 28:20).

This is the big picture—the “forest”—that we need to focus on in the midst of the “trees” of our everyday concerns and obligations. God keeps his promises! He has a plan for me!

No matter what the specific circumstances of your life may be, God’s overall vision for you never changes. Whatever hardships and suffering you may be experiencing now, however your life is unfolding, keep God’s love and his purposes in the forefront of your mind, and you’ll be more peaceful.

Through Jesus, God has fulfilled his promises. He loves us, he forgives us, and he invites us to spend all of eternity with him. This vision can inspire you when you rise in the morning and when you go to sleep at night. It can remain with you throughout the day. Everything else in your life fits into this plan—a plan not just for today or tomorrow but for all eternity!

“Father, thank you for fulfilling your promises. Help me to see every aspect of my life as part of your plan for me.”


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Fight to be close

He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. (Mark 16:9) 

Why Mary Magdalene? Why not his mother? Why not choose Peter or John or any of the apostles to be the first to see him after his resurrection? Mary was a surprising, even illogical choice to be his first witness. In Jesus’ time, a woman could not legally serve as a witness, so Mary’s testimony probably would not be taken seriously. 

Yet Jesus chose Mary, one of the least. But why? Maybe simply because she was there. And she was always there. She was there throughout his ministry. She was there at his arrest. She was even there when the apostles scattered in fear. She was there in the praetorium when the soldiers mocked and scourged him. She was there at the cross with his mother when they crucified him. She was there on Calvary when they took him down and laid his body in the tomb. Mary made it a point to stay close to Jesus because she loved him to the end. So of course she would be the first one to go to the tomb early Sunday morning. And of course, Jesus appeared to her!

Because she loved Jesus so much, Mary Magdalene took the risk that the apostles were unable to take. Perhaps she stood up to the guards and put her life in danger just to see Jesus’ body. She fought through her fear and sadness, just as we do sometimes. She put aside any sense of unworthiness she might have felt because she wasn’t his “real family.” She persisted until she found Jesus.

So what can we learn from Mary Magdalene? That it’s always worth it to try to stay close to the Lord. God rewards everyone who seeks him. He especially delights to reveal himself to the humble and lowly. So when you push through fear or grief or doubt in order to be near Jesus, you can be confident that he will bless you. In fact, he is already there; he is waiting to reveal himself to us.

Today and every day, fight to stay close to the Lord. Be there with him and persist in prayer, even when you don’t feel his presence. Talk to him during the day; ask him to help you sense that he is near. He is closer than you think.

“Jesus, I believe you are with me. Help me to stay close to you today.”
