Monday, May 13, 2019

Abundance of life (John 10:10)

. . . so that they might have life . . . more abundantly. (John 10:10)

“But I already have life,” you might argue. True, and yet there is more. With Jesus there is always more. Whatever degree of “life” you experience today, there’s more waiting for you. Thoughts and temptations may try to convince you otherwise, but Jesus is clear. He came to this earth, in fact, so that you would experience rich, overflowing life. Rich, in grace and gifts from God your Father; overflowing, in God’s love that fills your heart and spills out to people around you.
This abundant life is already yours through the Spirit you received in Baptism, so why not experience it? Here are a few ways you can discover it.

You can know this abundant life in your thoughts. You don’t have to be a slave to negative or critical thoughts. Jesus came so that you might think the best of yourself and other people, even those who have hurt you. Perhaps it means praying, “Father, forgive” hundreds of times a day. Or “Holy Spirit, help me know how you think” repeatedly. It might mean trying to focus your mind on God’s goodness, not about who has hurt you, or on what God has promised you rather than any troubles that might happen. 

You can know abundant life in your words too. Your words can influence the atmosphere around you; they can heal, comfort, encourage, and impart wisdom. Try telling yourself, “My prayers are powerful” or “Jesus lives in me.” A simple statement such as “What a good daughter you are” might encourage someone caring for an ailing parent. Words like these, words of grace and truth, pleasant and insightful, can flow out of your mouth as Jesus’ love fills your heart. And of course, there’s much grace in knowing when to keep quiet. 

Jesus also came so that your actions might flow out of his abundance. The smallest actions—taking soup to a sick friend or mowing a neighbor’s lawn—bear fruit, even if you never see it. When you take a moment to comfort someone, you are bringing Christ, and his abundant life, to them. When you spend a few minutes in prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, you are receiving even more of that life so that you can keep sharing it with other people.

Jesus always has more to give you!

“Thank you, Lord, for giving me abundant life.”


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